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Flying Wild

Juniper Smudge Stick

Juniper Smudge Stick

Regular price €6.50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €6.50 EUR
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This handcrafted Juniper smudge stick is 100% natural It's herbal scent, combined with hints of citrus, will help you start your day with a positive mindset. Traditionally used for awakening the spirit and dispelling negative energy, Juniper (Juniperus Communis) Smudge is also known for enhancing intuition. Embrace this beautiful bundle as a protector of spiritual energy and a source of harmony and serenity for your soul.

Despite the green colour of its leaves; this Juniper Smudge burns without any problem as the leaves, being less dense than those of other incenses, allow it to light more quickly.

About smudging
Experience the power of Mother Nature with our all-natural smudge sticks and bundles. Used in traditional Native American rituals and increasingly popular with Western therapists and body workers, these herbs have beneficial properties. Connect with ancient practices and cleanse people, places, and objects through the sacred act of smudging.

To apply the protective cleansing power of smudging, a bundle of leaves or resin is heated to produce smoke that is brushed over the person or object, often with a feather fan. Some plants are known to have specific healing properties while others have more generic powers.

The stick is 10 cm long with a diameter of 3.5-4cm and weighs 30-35 grams.

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