Quite a few years ago I decided to give up my career in scientific publishing and move back to the village in rural Ireland where I was raised. I was seeking a simpler life, a life lived close to nature. As a hobby I began to keep bees. From very modest beginnings I slowly nurtured ever more beehives to grow and prosper. I shared the goodness of my hives with my friends and neighbours - raw honey, beeswax candles, balms.
The philosophy behind Flying Wild holistic therapy products stems from my experience as a beekeeper. Life in a beehive centres around bees working in shared harmony, but it is always dependent on the life of one bee - the queen. The life of every bee and the unity of the hive flows from the mother queen bee, yet without the hive the queen is unable to sustain herself.
Flying Wild balms are created in the knowledge that no single ingredient makes the perfect medium – this can only be achieved with organic butters and oils working in a healing harmony. Only through a deep understanding and dedicated learning and experience of the individual carrier oils and butters, and how they complement each other, can this be created.
Thank you for choosing Flying Wild for your treatments.